TeachingAbout Maurício Severich

2003 - 1st Semester courses

2003 - 1st Semester courses
CodeCourseHoursYearGraduate CourseClass
203008Introduction to Computing102GeographyA, B, C and D (Theory). A and C (Practical)
203011Data Processing68AgronomyA, B, C and D
207039Medical Informatics68MedicinaTeórica, Práticas A, B, C e D
203049Introduction to Computing68MathematicsNA
203054Basic Computer skills68Tourism-

Learning to study Updated on Saturday, june 28, @08:55 AM

The classroom provides daily learning as much to student as to teacher. In this kind of process, the goal is to develop intelectual skills (reasoning, knowledge, creativity - in summa, inteligence). So far as possible, outcomes can be maximized, by process optimization. It's no easy to make a process more efficient, as the saying goes “no pain, no gain”.

The section Learning to study intends to fulfil the student lack of orientation concerning to study attitude that should be adopted in the academic universe, mainly in the first year at college.

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